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Di is a part of the H2O squad that swim at Prahran pool 3 mornings per week.

Always friendly and happy, Di has a great positive attitude to swimming and the benefits it brings to her life.


She joined the Squad with Anita 10 years ago and has never looked back.

Di learned to swim in the ocean as a child, her Father was keen a swimmer and Lifesaver and was a major influence on her swimming life.

Occasionally joining in the Masters competition, Di prefers the freestyle sprint races.

Outside of the pool, Di continues to be active. She walks regularly, has some gym sessions and practices yoga.  It really is important to stay active as we age, just to maintain your general health.


Sadly no others members of Dis family swim, but she loves to start her day in the pool. A general rule of thumb means that she will swim around 2km each session.

The benefits of swimming when we age is evident, the squad is a great motivator to get active and really push yourself.


At age 92 Di's father is still swimming. When it's warm he is in the ocean, although it's very cold at Port Fairy. However he also swims at the public pool. She notices that even though he is old, he is still swimming well. Age just vanishes when he's back in the water.

If you can keep swimming into your 90s it is a bonus!


The friendship and camaraderie of swimming in the squad is fun, including hosting a birthday breakfast poolside and the occasional lunch catch up.  Lots of fun!

We also chat about the way that seeing everyone in the changerooms and in their bathers is a great endorsement for accepting aging and just being happy to be active.







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