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Episode 20 - Paul Gildea


I met Paul Gildea as part of the Seagals, the group of women I swim with in Elwood.

So Paul - alongside Graeme and Bill - being the only men swimming regularly with us; are known as SeaPals.


During this conversation we cover a wide range of projects that Paul has been involved in during his Musical career. He may skim over some of the names, but he certainly has far reaching talents.

Amongst those whom Paul has played with include - his permanent role as a member of Icehouse. Touring with The Little River Band, James Reyne and Vika & Linda Bull.

His management experience was with Stonefield , Motor Ace and Michael Paynter.


Paul was inducted into the Aria Hall of Fame with Icehouse in 2006.


Further musical achievements include operating a successful Production house Monkeesee and then becoming a lecturer in Music Business.

Paul also studied Applied Business and obtained his Masters Degree.


And within the framework of all his touring, performing, teaching and learning.. Paul swam!


Learning to swim at the City Baths in Melbourne CBD as a child, Paul and his brother both became squad swimmers and swam morning and afternoon at the Glasshouse pool in from age 10 - 13.

He swam for his school and enjoyed it, but his true calling to be a musician took over when he received his first guitar!


Paul has swum whilst touring both in Australia and the USA and is appreciative of the quality network of public pools we have here.


Paul has been a welcome and popular member of the Seagals and we all enjoy the community and swimming support.




Episode 21 - Liv Wawryk


Pulling the Behind The Goggles Podcast out of hibernation is the delightfully undertstated but fiercely determined Liv Wawryk.

Her swimming story is just too good to not share with you.


Liv initally was a squad swimmer who became a high school state representive in Water Polo.

She loved both these sports, however in her University days and later life she let them fade off.


On a promise to resume her swimming fitness and passion, Liv decide that 2020 was her year to get back in the pool.

Unfortuantely the pools were closed due to Covid.

So, like many people living close to the beach - Open water swimming became a default.

Liv had listened to an online discussion about open water swimming via the Swimwell and Bayside swimming group. And was helpfully guided by an Elwood Seagal to swim with buddies in a newly established group.

Going from strength to strenght, dispite a serious break in her arm - keeping her out action for a few months - Liv was happy with her progress and heard whispers of swim crossing from Point Nepean to Queenscliff... in the middle of winter... with no wetsuit.

So challenage accepted... off she went to blitz that event!


Just under two years later another challenge crossed Livs path.

The Ice Mile.







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