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Scott Denison is a lifeguard at Prahran Pool, and he is actually the catalyst for this Podcast!

Upon finding out that Scotts' day job is a tailor/shirt manufacturer I was inspired to find out more about the other side of Pool swimmers lives.

During this podcast we talk about the relationships that we develop with our fellow pool users - micro friendships I dub them- and the odd intimacy yet lack of knowing anything about these people.

Scott chats about his volunteer work with the Elderly and his inspiration to train for his Cert 3&4 in Fitness.

We chat about aging, diet and lifestyle and our Cocoon future!

As a husband and father with two young boys, Scott needed to find extra cash to fund school fees so came into Lifeguarding only 2 years ago on the departure of Paul Jones (our Rock n Roll lifeguard who moved to Sydney).

Scott left school at 17 after HSC, then took a gap year in Hawaii where he surfed and worked for a tour company. It sounds like every boys dream life!

When he returned to Melbourne Scott was offered a job at the Sportscraft factory which he loved!

After learning all aspects of the ragtrade he ended up as Sales Manager for Lacoste in the mid 80s and he recounts the heyday of the Davis Cup victory by Pat Cash for Australia in 1986 against Michael Pernfors and the Swedish team.

With the economy booming Scott decided to run with his own chain of retail stores. Eventually opening 8 or 9 boutiques around Australia. It was the a brilliant time for business.

Now the fashion business landscape has changed dramatically and he has closed his retail outlets. Scott still has a manufacturing operation and is working on an online customised shirt business.

The customer can select shirt styles and fabric and quality customised garments are delivered in approximately 2 weeks.

As I say - anything to get rid of the mass of checked shirts on men Scott!!


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